Monday, February 3, 2014

Just a Sashying....

Come check this out!

This weekend I decided to work with a new medium.  Sashay Yarn.  Now I don't crochet or knit, but the past couple of years the swirly scarves have been the rage here in the south, so I thought I'd try my hand at this.  It only took a couple of hours while watching TV in the evening.  While I will say I'm definitely leaving this up to the pros, it was fairly easy to make.  But with me, however, I didn't just use a plain sashay yarn, but had to make it fancier... Which in the long run didn't look the way I thought it would, but it will fancy up a dress for church or two...

As you can see this has little black furry trim added to the netting, which is where you crochet your scarf together. I guess the good thing about all this, is; that I can take it apart and do something different with it when I'm tried of it.

Next is a tassel scarf.... I loved the color combination, but after making it, not sure if I like the scarf itself.  But there again, I can use it for something else. 

 When I put it on my neck, it looks a little too shabby to me.  Will see if there is something else I can use it for.   Isn't that what crafting is all about?  Don't like it one way, change it into something else.  I guess that is why I enjoy crafting.

So If you are interested in learning how to do these scarves here is a link.   Crochet Ruffle Scarf with Sashay Yarn

There you have it!.... Give it a try.... You have nothing to lose, because remember that it can always be used for something different if you don't like it.


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