Monday, December 7, 2015

It's almost Christmas...

Goodness.  I hadn't realized my last post was in Oct, 10th.  I've been away for so long.  Such a busy time of year for me.  Everyone getting ready for Christmas, not to mentioned Halloween and Thanksgiving has past. But when Christmas comes, to me it is not about parties or holiday rush or black friday, (which I haven't done in 20+ years).... Christmas to me is all about the Gift that God has given us.  The gift of His Son.  The gift of His Word.  The gift of His Light, The gift of His Life. The gift of His Joy, Peace, Hope, Love, His Grace, Goodness, and so much more.  These are the gifts He gives us EVERY DAY, if we will allow Him.  So during your time of decorating, shopping, cooking, wrapping presents, take time to Thank Him for HIS gift of Christ.  Spend time in His word and let Him come into your life so you can experience these gifts yourself.

Well, I have been very very busy this season, from Oct to now.  I had 3 craft fairs which brought in more new customers, which I'm very thankful.  Some of my biggest sellers were the burlap pillow wraps, burlap flags, children's pjs. and a few cute dresses.

Another big seller was monogrammed gloves!  I'm still working on them also.  I have 9 more pair to do by the end of the week, not to mention the book bags, folding chair, pj's and other items.  My last day to take orders are the 9th so customers are trying to get them in fast. 

Yesterday I took a break from my customer orders and made some Christmas gifts for my friend's daughters. (all 5 of them)  Something I thought I'd try was the wrist cuffs and used vintage lace and upcycled jeans with rosettes and a little bling.  I'll share some of my items from the fairs and also what I did yesterday.

I truly hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season and remember why we truly celebrate Christmas.

Here are a few of the gloves that I worked on last week and have more to get ready by Friday.

The wrist cuffs I was telling you about.  Each one different.  I was able to make 3 using the waistband of a childs jeans.

Photo isn't the greatest, but it has netting in the middle with a little bit of bling.  Oh and I used the elastic that was in the waistband cinch the waist, as button holder.

This was made with canvas, vintage lace and rosettes. No bling, but I love the simplicity of the cuff.
Again made with denim, vintage lace and rosettes.
This turned out just lovely.  Vintage lace, velvet ribbon, satin rosette, retro pearls and vintage button.  Would be perfect for a Bride to wear.  Made with heavy linen.

My SC flags for Christmas
One of the church Christmas Baazars. You can see hanging up all the dresses, pjs, flags etc... Santa Sacks were on the table.

Thanksgiving outfit for Emmy,  Will share photo's later. :)

One last thing I'll share are the pillow wraps.... I stitched different designs, but this one was the most popular. I didn't get to list these on my website, I did get orders for Monograms on them,  but because they can be changed out, I will make some for Valentines and other holidays too. 

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog.


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